Thursday, April 03, 2008

Do you want a better world?

Indeed, we ALL want a better world, don't we? Don't we dream of green grassy fields, crystal clear rivers and air as pure as the mountain dew?

So download your favorite torrent app today and start doing your part!

Actually, I am happy to see that many bands are making their music available for free downloads, and I think that is the future. Going on tour makes a lot of money, and fans are always willing to not only buy band merchandise but also collect CDs.
Nevertheless it is still free stuff that draws new customers to a product, so in the end, downloads are just a tip of a new type of cash cow.

And oddly enough, just as pollution used to be the motto for development 50 years ago, old views on entertainment business just linger as this century pushes terabytes of shared files around the world.

"sharing is caring"

And remember, "that's what Jesus would do!" - and he was a true anarchist, ain't that true?

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