Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Happy New Year - Happy New Wall

Bom, pronto. Acabou 2006 e acabou o período límbico que existe até o Carnaval. Acabou o horário de verão e acabou o sol. Parece que pulamos do primeiro dia de férias escolares para primeiro dia de aula, no calendário escolar do hemisfério norte, e só falta nevar.
Também acabaram as expectativas do Oscar, e acabaram os filmes assistíveis no cinema. Acho que meu ciclo menstrual deste mês acabou-se também, porque toda essa crise deve ser obra de TPM.
Mas se analisarmos bem, talvez não. Talvez seja simplesmente mais um ano, sem planos, sem mudanças, com os mesmos problemas políticos e sem terroristas para resolve-los, com o mesmo futebol medíocre e as mesmas brigas idiotas entre torcidas, e as mesmas velhas máfias - desde a de dualib até a do PT. It's all the same shit.

Poxa, mas o início do ano não é época de esperança? Hoje estava conversando com um aluno e ele me perguntou, "o que você acha do jeitinho brasileiro?", no que eu respondi, "acho o PIOR DEFEITO DESTA NAÇÃO!".
Ah Paula, por que tanta ira neste coraçãozinho?
ainda tem gente jogando lixo pela janela do carro;
ainda tem gente que não dá seta pra mudar de faixa no trânsito;
ainda tem gente que quer empurrar/ cortar no trânsito às 7 da manhã, quando todos os outros carros estão em fila e numa velocidade adequada;
ainda há políticos defendendo interesses próprios;
ainda há políticos ... ainda há políticos.

Os executivos brasileiros são os principais líderes em multinacionais em outros países. Motivo: o brasileiro é o mais capaz a adequar-se à mudança, administrar risco, motivar equipes com culturas diferentes. Acho que essa é a única exceção do "jeitinho brasileiro" que é uma virtude, nesse hábito odioso que permeia esta cultura porca e podre.

The monkey sat on a pile of stones
And he stared at the broken bone in his hand
And the strains Viennese quartet
Rang out across the land
The monkey looked up at the stars
And he thought to himself
Memory is a stranger
History is for fools
And he cleaned his hands
In a pool of holy writing
Turned his back on the garden
And set out for the nearest town
Hold on hold on soldier
When you add it all up
The tears and marrowbone
There's an ounce of gold
And an ounce of pride in each ledger
And the Germans killed the Jews
And the Jews killed the Arabs
And Arabs killed the hostages
And that is the news
And is it any wonder
That the monkey's confused
He said Mama Mama
The President's a fool
Why do I have to keep reading
These technical manuals
And the joint chiefs of staff
And the brokers on Wall Street said
Don't make us laugh
You're smart kid
Time is linear
Memory's a stranger
History's for fools
Man is a tool in the hands
Of the great God Almighty
And they gave him command
Of a nuclear submarine
And sent him back in search of
The Garden of Eden

Can't you see
It all makes perfect sense
Expressed in dollars and cents,
Pounds, shillings and pence
Can't you see
It all makes perfect sense

Little black soul departs in perfect focus
Hold on soldier
Prime time fodder for the News at Nine
Hold on, hold on soldier
Darling is the child warm in the bed tonight

[Marv Albert:] "Hi everybody I'm Marv Albert
And welcome to our telecast
Coming to you live from Memorial Stadium
It's a beautiful day
And today we expect a sensational matchup
But first our global anthem"

Can't you see
It all makes perfect sense
Expressed in dollars and cents,
Pounds, shillings and pence
Can't you see
It all makes perfect sense

[Marv:] "And here come the players
As I speak to you now, the captain
Has his cross hairs zeroed in on the oil rig
It looks to me like he's going to attack
By the way did you know that a submarine
Captain earns 200,000 dollars a year"
[Edward:]"That's less tax Marv"
[Marv:]"Yeah, less tax
Thank you Edward"
[Edward:]"You're welcome"
[Marv:]"Now back to the game...he fires one...yes
There goes two; both fish are running
The rig is going into a prevent defense
Will they make it? I don't think so"

Can't you see
It all makes perfect sense
Expressed in dollars and cents,
Pounds, shillings and pence
Can't you see
It all makes perfect sense
Can't you see
It all makes perfect sense

Roger Waters - Perfect Sense, parts 1 and 2

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